Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jake will get mojo again this season.

I hope that Scott Fowler is right that Jake gets his swagger back. I know last year, he was so bad that we had to use Chris Weinke. I think that Jake has more pressure than ever on him, because David Carr is a better QB than Weinke.

I know that we can't put all the blame on Jake, because the offensive line had some major injuries. The line seemed to change throughout the year, which results in no continuity for that group.

I think the Panthers will be better if a few things happen.

1. Jake and the Offensive Line perform better.
2. Dan Morgan can play most of this year. It has always been amazing how much difference he makes to our defense. It's just a shame that he has had to deal with concussions throughout his career, and one more may result in the end of his career.
3. The Secondary most play better. Gamble, Lucas, Minter need to return to their 05 level.

In Conclusion, we are in an odd year 07, and the panthers have done well the last 2 odd years. In 03, we reached the Super Bowl and in 05, we reached the NFC Championship Game. In 07, time will tell.

Charlotte Observer | 07/28/2007 | Jake will get mojo again this season

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