Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Vick indicted in dog fighting case

the day has arrived. The Feds finally have indicted Michael Vick for Dog Fighting. I have heard some of the accusations on ESPN Radio tonight, and it is disgusting the things they did to the dogs.

I'm not a "PETA" fan or some of the extreme "Animal Rights" group, but I do believe that we should treat animals with respect. I had to go out and give Pixy and Dietrich a treat when I got home from Atlanta tonight. I figured they needed a hug and a treat :)

I know that we are "innocent until proven guilty" in our judicial system but in the court of public opinion, that can be more difficult to deal with. It should be interesting where this goes from here.

FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - Vick indicted in dog fighting case

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